March 03, 2016

Farewell To All My Travels, 拜拜, Баяртай, До свидания!, Дапабачэньня,Nägemist, Uzredzēšanos, Viso gero, Dozobaczenia, Naviděnou,AufWiedersehen, Arrivederci, Tchau, Beannachdleat/leibh

      Love to all the trains, in all the cities, in all the world...

   Love to all the cities, in all the countries, in all the world...

New York City
Beijing, China
Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
Irkutsk, Russia
Yekaterinburg, Russia
Moscow, Russia
St Petersburg, Russia
Tallinn, Estonia
Riga, Latvia
Vilnius, Lithuania
Gdansk, Poland
Krakow, Poland
Prague, Czech Republic
Vienna, Austria
Salzburg, Austria
Verona, Italy
Florence, Italy
Bari, Italy
Trani, Italy
Alberobello, Italy
Putignano, Italy
Lecce, Italy
Matera, Italy
Naples, Italy
Palermo, Sicily
Porto, Portugal
Coimbra, Portugal
Obidos, Portugal
Sintra, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal
London, England
Glasgow, Scotland
Edinburg, Scotland
New York City
  Love to my dear readers in all the cities, in all the countries, in all the world...


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