November 27, 2015

Cracking the Code on Moscow

1.  Don't read maps.

                 Do not be beguiled by all the pretty colors.

2. Don't ask directions.

                  Not everyone's in the mood to tell you how to get where you want to go

3. Don't bother trying to figure out north, south, east, west

                                         Even the strong find this confusing

4. Keep your sense of humor at the ready.

                                   A Russian cosmonaut peed here. So can you!

5.  Seek out the sublime.

And why shouldn't there be a gigantic metal pirate ship in a downtown park?

6. Look for wonders of space & geometry.

               9 million people a day ride the metro

7. Find people you can relate to.

                                                    He could be my friend

8. Remember the beauty in things.

    There's always time to read a book & dream dreams

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