November 22, 2015

Russia Could Be the Richest Country in the World

One winter day a Siberian woodsman was walking through a forest in the Ural Mountains. He was heading home very tired, but lucky, because he had trapped a rabbit for dinner. A fat rabbit. The icy air bit his lungs with each breath, so he sat under a tree to rest a moment. He became sleepy & his eyelids began to droop. But then he noticed a green glittering stone the size of his fist, right next to one of his boots. He took it home & discovered that it was an emerald, & that is how it became known far & wide that precious jewels fall from Siberian trees.

Not just emeralds, but vast supplies of diamonds & gold, gas & oil, mushrooms, nuts & berries, timber & furs, clean water...these are part of the richest, most plentiful, largely untapped natural resources on earth. Really, you could come to Siberia, melt a handful of snow, package it right, & have an endless supply of the purest, most delicious, most evocative bottled water on earth. 

                          Siberian water & snow -- untouched by human hands

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