December 26, 2015

Dissertation on Rain

For three straight days now, the city of Gdansk has been shut down for Christmas. Galleries, museums, shops, restaurants...closed. Local people, gone. Tourists, a few, like me, wander in the strangely warm rain.

One must fortify oneself with mulled wine & a lurid novel about Fran Listz 

                                    Nature likes to arrange things in lines

                       Even on this window, raindrops fall in lines, not random patterns

                      Little streams of water pour down the hull of a ship

                      A leaf pattern on this cobblestone looks like minnows in the rain

                      This thirsty, desperate-looking horse is drinking from the sky

        These souvenirs in a display case become abstract art as rain pools on the glass

                     This fellow is wet, but puddles dare not form in his presence

                                                Self portrait: 
                                          Me with blue umbrella
                                      reflected in silver ornament 
                                      hanging from Christmas tree 
                                           in Gdansk town square

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