December 30, 2015

Krakow's Museum of Modern Art Is Enough To Give You Nightmares

These are works by some of Poland's most highly regarded modern artists.

This artist's work makes me realize that I am unappreciated in my time & place. Note the same techniques I use in my noir series of paintings called "Bitter Little Worlds." Note the askew perspective, the use of cutouts, the patterns of floors. This one is his.





This artist uses well-known classic portraits & puts on different heads

This head is made of clams or mushrooms or something equally unsettling

       This is part of a series of paintings with actual cigarette burn holes in women's faces

                   This is a self-portrait...contents of her refrigerator + a bad hangover 

This is a 3D painting made of hundreds of melted plastic toy Santas

               Spouts of red paint seeking to pour from the wall to the floor

This fellow is removing his bulldog head & seems about to replace it with a sheep's head

These three below are life-size photographs of actual dead people dressed in clothing of the artist's choice. 

How did the artist get permission to work with corpses?

Do family members know?

Would you be really pissed if you knew someone did this to you after your death?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a depressing museum. Yes, I'll be pissed if someone did that to me.
