December 23, 2015

Gdansk, You Really Know How To Make a Girl Fall in Love

Christmas lights make interesting abstractions as you pass by in an all-night bus.

I arrived in Gdansk at 6 AM, too early to check into my hotel, though they let me drop off my luggage. Though I did not realize it in advance, my hotel happens to be on one of the most beautiful, classic little alleyways in Europe -- Mariacka ul.

                        My street...atmospheric mystery from centuries past

I find a bakery, linger over coffee. Back to check into the hotel.... it's so different from all the much better. A room with light, space & air!

                                 Little friends decorate a wall

          Entry into the bathroom...a medieval door

Dead tired, discombobulated from no sleep & 11 hours of jostling in an Eastern European bus, I wander out, just around the corner from my hotel, & this is what I see as the sky lightens.

             Neptune's Fountain

             Am I in Poland??...or Italy?

I've only been here a moment, but I'm already falling for Gdansk.

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