February 23, 2016

I Started Out Horizontal & Now I'm Vertical

When this journey began, territory stretched out to the horizon. Mongolia -- barely a rolling hill. Siberia -- vast snowy plains & forests. As I progressed southward, country by country, landscapes began reaching up. Now Portugal is entirely in the clouds. 

                                  Another mountain to climb...a gothic castle

            This one was designed by a king who had a strong belief in things occult

Naturally there had to be a black cat

                                             Spires rose like chess pieces

One of the king's convictions had to do with the underground...the power of "under"...of vortexes of air moving through caves & tunnels. He ordered a hole to be dug. A deeeeeep hole for that era, remarkably deep. I'm sure the center of the earth was just around the corner. You could get there two ways: down a long spiral staircase, or up it. I wasn't sure which one I was embarking upon when I entered this cave.

Parts of the cave were dead black. Some sections had strings of lights. That white light in the foreground was my handy-dandy flashlight, which I carry everywhere. Others used their cell phones as flashlights.

             The cave ended at the base of the hole, which looked innocent enough.

                       Until I looked up. Waaaaaay up to a circle of light far, far above.

I proceeded up the stairs. Water dripped in a loud & eerie way. The stone stairs were slick & narrow. These are the same people who were down there when I started.

                              There they are again, as I climbed higher

                                            And higher....

                And higher....that is them, in that tiny circle of light at the bottom center!

                                   The sun welcomed me as I emerged

In this strange, towering wonderland of castles & mystery & vertical life.

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