February 08, 2016

Naples is a Shithole

Naples was just a way-station for me...a one-night stopover between two legs of a journey that was too long for one day.  One ought not judge a city from the environs around the bus or train station, but REALLY Naples...first impressions do count. Ugly, trash-laden, full of beggars & reckless eyeballers & pickpockets. It's the first time on this trip I've felt scared walking through a neighborhood.

                Knock-offs of shoes & purses, plus cheap geegaws of every kind

                          Trash collection is apparently not a concern

My hotel room was in a horrible, echoey, trash-strewn building & done up in charcoal gray...an unusual design choice. And totally bare except for the bed. But the room was big. So was the bed, a rare occurrence.

 I found a place that bakes their Napoli pizzas in an interesting oven. But the crust was so thin that it was stone cold within a minute or two.

I saw this diorama inside the train station this morning...there must be redeeming qualities for a place that creates a clothesline in a diorama.

I'm sure there are many good things about Naples. But I can't say I ever want to go back & find them.

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