January 23, 2016

Fresco Deconstructed

So many churches...so many frescoes...you can't even see half of them because the spaces soar so high that only angels could really examine them. There's a famous one about a fantastic chivalrous world, called "St. George and the Princess" by Pisanello, in a place called the Pellegrini Chapel, which itself is deep inside the Church of St. Anastasia in Verona. 

I've been to many European churches by now & often walk into one & think "This is the most astonishing church I've ever seen." But this one really is!

            It's full-bloom Italian Renaissance 

                               This man plays soft mood music for wanderers

  This style of art gives rococo a run for its money

This church is known for its two marble hunchback figures, which support big bowls of holy water 

Rubbing a hunchback's hump is supposed to give you luck

Ah...here's that fresco...disappointingly high up & looking like nothing special. What's the big deal?They anticipated these reactions & installed a tv screen with closeups & brief explanations. My initial thought was that it's pretty amazing that an artist put a giant horse's ass right in the middle of the picture. I take a good long look at each closeup & explanation.

                            Oh...now I get it...it is avant guarde for the time
Thanks for the lesson!

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