January 06, 2016

Prague Is Big & Snowy & Full of Cool Things

                                          Man buns are popular

                                      So are tourists falling off Segways

                                   You can ride around town in antique cars

                                         Fluttery potato chips are fun to eat 

                            Gargoyles really express the dark side of life

      A sculpture based on a Kafka short story

    This man hovering calmly in the air is pretty Kafkaesque

                                    Puppets are popular, especially Pinocchio 

This is the John Lennon wall, full of hippy dippy graffiti

 After spending 90 minutes finding this place, it's kind of disappointing. Those are not John Lennon's lips.                

                                           Friends who pee together 

This guy's job is to advertise pedicures where little fish eat away at the dead skin on your feet. Oh misery, my name is Boy Who Gets Nibbled By Fish.

                      This is what soaring is

        This is what that overused word awesome is

                                   Snow falling in front of a streetlight

                        Prague from a high castle on a cloudy, snowy evening

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