January 07, 2016

Sometimes the Path You Think You're On Is Not the Path You're On At All

I heard about an artist in Prague who painted fanciful worlds all over the inside of a house...a house called "The Magical Cavern." According to the artist's website, these are a couple of the paintings there.

I decided I want to see them, so I set out across the Vltava River to the far side of the city.

                       That's my boat hotel, the Florentina, on the right

The Charles Bridge, as every day, is full of activity.

                                   Local musicians play for dinner money

This man fills water glasses with different amounts of oil, so that when they are struck, they make different sounds & he can play songs.

There are unsettling sights too.

This is how people beg for in Prague. They stay in these supplicating positions for hours, perhaps all day. I've seen them as I come & go, the same men in the same spot, in the same exact position. They all have an expression of tremendous suffering, almost religious suffering on their faces. It's very unsettling.

Up I went, following my paper map & we all know how good I am at that. Before long the city fell away & I began climbing a snow-covered mountain. I did not realize this quest involved climbing a mountain.

 Though the city centers are crowded with tourists, there's almost no one up here in winter

                        Prague is now tiny in the distance, shrouded in fog

                                     It's kind of mysterious up here

                     Endless stairs 

Up & up, trudging up vertical hills & hundreds of stairs. By now I was thinking "this guy had better be pretty damn good." Paths petered out or crisis-crossed other paths, winding through pine trees. After an hour or more climbing that damn mountain, cold & breathless, I finally reached a cheering sign.


                        These ugly chaps guarded the front door

                                   Closed??? You're kidding, right??

Oh, I thought very dark thoughts about that artist & his psychedelic paintings. My map had none of these paths & I had no sense of north, south, east or west. On & on I climbed. I did have a good sense of up & down.

By now, I believe I was losing my mind. This is a large stand of dead branches. Doesn't it look, though, like a woman with long hair, sitting in a lean-back position with her knees up?

Oh...here's an aviator...maybe he can give me directions. Ok, fine, don't say anything. Be like that. See if I care.

Suddenly I see a strangely familiar tower rising out of the fog. This tower is a great source of pride in Prague. City fathers saw the Eiffel Tower in Paris & liked it so much, they said "We want one too." They didn't have the funds for a full-size one, so they built it smaller & put it on a hill & proclaimed that the tower + the hill = a tower taller than the Eiffel Tower. 

Next to it is a small building with a Maze of Mirrors. You keep banging into reflections of yourself!

More climbing, more forest. Then I saw a sign that said "Monastery." That sounds interesting, I thought, so I tried to follow the sign, but there was no evident path toward it.

 Sometimes you have to just blindly follow people who seem like they know where they're going

Not only did I find a monastery, but inside I discovered a jaw-dropping library. 

This library has thousands of books...one whole wall contains bibles, from all periods in history, in all languages 

 No library has ever had a ceiling like this. I wish I could go in & lie on the floor on my back & just look up.

The artist who painted the ceiling did the entire thing in under 6 months, with the help of only one assistant.

The monastery, of course, also had a church. It too had a soaring ceiling & a crowd of large sculptures.

There were so many sculptures in this church that, sorry to say, it look like a yard sale was about to commence.

Eventually I found a road & headed back down to the river. It's always easier to go down than up.

                              Here's the neighborhood absinthe shop
                Miss Absinthe

Vincent van Gogh isn't exactly a good poster boy for absinthe

Back to my floating boat hotel....

                            ...with its charming river view from my cabin....

       ....& my own little glass of absinthe

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