January 23, 2016

There Is No World Beyond Verona's Walls....

   Piazza Bra is quiet on an early winter morning...a massive coliseum stands sentry on the right

The piazza is guarded by this surprisingly modern man

                                                    Hello gorgeous

The amphitheater, right outside my hotel window, is older than the Roman Coliseum. I climbed to the top. The ancient people of Verona must have had buns of steel, because each of these marble steps is a good two feet high, necessitating huge stepping.

                       From the top, the piazza is graceful & eternal

            Verona is all about balconies

                 Big rounds of cheese 

                                         Across the Adige River is a hill & a castle

       Naturally I must climb it...12 sets of these

                                  Fairytale Verona takes your breath away

            You realize that it was built so that the river would hug the entire city

 This looks like fisticuffs, but it's just a couple of friends chatting Italian style -- with their hands

                                        People watching is the main activity

                                       Coffee & cigarettes...classic Italian breakfast

             Verona is made for lovers

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